"So do not fear, for I am with you;do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. "
-Isaiah 41:10
I have been meditating in the past few weeks on the image of God, the Lion and the Lamb. Never thought it would strike me this much!
God has been manifesting Himself to me through my life as the Lamb: as the God who bows down and listens, cares, empathizes, forgives, forgets, redeems, gives time, gives affection, gives peace, is patient, is tolerant, is bountiful, always exceeds expectations, ever-present, He died for us... to say the least. I'm sure I needed this face of Him to get through life and grow year after year in my knowledge and trust in Him.
Little did I know that I got so accustomed to this side of God that I downsized Him unconsciously and categorized Him as sweet little Jesus. I started building anxiety and noticing that I am taking matters into my own hands thinking I am helping out God to make things better. This implies that when situations got uglier it was hard to trust that God is ABLE to do something about it. Until one day, through my meditation, I felt pretty shaken by the image of a roaring Lion, a King, feared and awed by his kingdom. And it hit me. Why don't I emphasize more on the Resurrection part of the story? The victory? On the roaring Lion, who is jealous on me and on my time, who wants to prove His Might to me?
He is strong, mighty to save, and fearless in protecting his own. He will help me, He will uphold me, He will fight for me. Yes He will! He is not only capable but Willing and Waiting to do that and more for me.
If only I trusted Him more and trusted in His power, wouldn't my outlook on life be totally different?