Thursday, August 18, 2016

In Him All Things Hold Together

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. " 

-Colossians 1:17

The image of the daisy flower has been formed a few years back in my mind, but I promise you it was one of the milestones in my spiritual life. 
Back in the days, I used to lose my peace very easily. Every time one of my many number one priorities would hit the ground, my life got shaken: God, relationships, love, family, academics, career, service, health. I was overwhelmed by every wave that hit me, until one day the Lord spoke to me through the daisy. 
Every priority areas in my life are represented in one of the petals of that flower. God Himself cannot be anywhere but in the center, the "eye" of the flower also known as the flower head. The center is the flower's source of life. Through my research I was surprised to know that "the daisy itself is not a single flower, but a combination of individual flowers arranged around a central disk."

God is not just another thing that I should hold through life.
HE is holding my life together. No matter the circumstances in my life, as long as the center is still there, the flower still stands tall, unshakable, and confident. I pray that I keep reminding myself of this spiritual truth, and that I stand upright in the midst of life's waves.